Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Priority #1 - My Elohim: Great is Thy Faithfulness

While cleaning her room, Princess Butterfly came across an old diary once belonging to my firstborn Dancing Angel (1989-2003).  Like everything else Dancing Angel and My Diva owned as little girls, the diary was Lisa Frank.  I had read it before, but it had been many, many years.  It made me laugh. She never could finish a paragraph. She starts telling a story of how I yelled at her for no reason, but didn't finish it. She mentions meeting her two best friends for the first time and had planned to bring them some gum.  She didn't date anything, but even though few pages are written on, it spans a few years, from life in Okinawa as an Air Force brat to moving to Texas.  It's a treasure. I'm so glad we have it.

I laughed while I read it, and then cried like a baby until I fell asleep. There is not a moment that goes by that I don't wish she were still here.  The following morning after reading the diary, I thought I would get up depressed, but I got up remembering that His mercies are new EVERY morning. GREAT is His faithfulness. I'm thankful for every one of my loved ones who have passed on, but I'm not going to lose one minute of the joy of being with the ones that I have with me. "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Bless His name!

As soon as I got on my computer, I saw a video posted of my cousin giving her testimony in church recently.  She and I have lost two shared relatives this year, but on her mother's side she has lost so many more, back to back.  It has been rough.  

I will let her testimony be the completion of my blog today.  

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